On the diplomatic front, a five-member delegation from the Security Council arrived here today to press for quick action.
The five-member Congressional delegation will meet with top government and business leaders in New Delhi, Jaipur, Hyderabad, and Kolkata.
Of the state's five-member Congressional delegation, only Senator Bob Kerrey has supported abortion rights, and he has announced that he will not run for re-election.
Mr. Bush will lead a five-member American delegation, including Laura Bush.
One-year after taking office, Alarcón travelled to the United States as the head of a five-member delegation to talk about the migration issues between the two countries.
Mr. Ackerman was also impressed by the inclusion of a woman and the only Jewish member of Parliament in the five-member Iranian delegation.
But with no Hispanic representatives in New Mexico's five-member Congressional delegation, Hispanic voters may feel resentment in a state where almost 40 percent of the population is Hispanic.
In January, New Mexico's five-member Congressional delegation asked for the National Academy of Sciences study.
A five-member Soviet delegation flew here over the weekend and was received at a ceremony today at the Foreign Ministry.
A five-member delegation of Clayton County legislators proposed a bill to abolish the city in order to clean up corruption in the city government.