What Haas didn't tell Lowery was that the five-minute limit had been a bluff.
This bipartisan round of joy was offered to Chief Justice Rehnquist, at his decision to impose a five-minute limit on the answers to the questions.
Mr. Freitas do Amaral, a law professor and former Foreign Minister himself, says the results would be dire if leaders began to overshoot the five-minute limit.
His vice chairman, Representative F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. of Wisconsin, cut off witness answers in enforcing a five-minute limit on the committee members that angry Republicans often consumed in rhetorical questions with no time left for a reply.
Enforcing a strict five-minute limit on each questioner and ruling anything that might resemble a substantive inquiry out of order, he makes a kangaroo court look like a model of jurisprudence.
We adjusted quickly to the one who pretended to leave several of us at a tiny rest stop near Castle Dale, Utah, for exceeding his five-minute limit.
Even without all 189 titular heads, the day's program is running late; a few presidents overstayed their five-minute limit while touching on the summit's themes: poverty, the environment, education, ending AIDS.
This got her another poisonous look from Peter, but it scarcely registered-she talked in a white heat, forgetting all about the five-minute limit.
Vremya Novostei noted of Mr. Ahmadinejad that "he only went two minutes over the five-minute limit he had been allowed."
To Betty Teslenko, the five-minute limit may be something of a blessing.