The incoming Japanese crushed the island's independence bid in a five-month campaign.
He ran a five-month campaign and finished with 34 percent of the vote.
He embarked on a five-month political campaign for Governor of New York in 1994.
Nearly 60,000 youths (high school and college age) and 30,000 adults of varying backgrounds were trained in two weeks for the five-month campaign.
Over a five-month campaign, the German forces defeated the newly recruited French armies in a series of battles fought across northern France.
After a five-month campaign, Coe was elected to that office.
Critics of Time Warner immediately proclaimed victory in their five-month campaign to force the company out of gangsta rap.
A five-month campaign supported by articles and editorials had generated the necessary one hundred thousand dollars.
Just this week, Ms. Braun broadcast two television advertisements, the only commercials in her five-month campaign.
During the five-month campaign in Philadelphia, 24,000 people called the hot line, believed by officials to have helped to draw 100,000 people to churches on its reconciliation weekend.