The report, the result of a five-month investigation, offered no conclusions on what the Mayor should do about the aides whose actions investigators found inappropriate.
The 200-count indictment came after a five-month investigation conducted by state, Federal and city law enforcement officers.
Yesterday, the forbidding, windowless club was padlocked after a five-month investigation by the Queens district attorney's office and the police vice squad.
Several people, including itinerant workers and family members, came under suspicion for the crime, but after a five-month investigation, no one was ever charged with the murders.
The officer, who had also purchased marijuana from Curry in a school bathroom, was part of the county's five-month investigation and sting operation.
The 37-count indictment followed a five-month investigation that the County Executive's Office had requested.
After a five-month investigation, he presented his findings in detail on the national television on 14 July 1972.
The payment closes a case that led to a five-month investigation last year into abuse of patrons at the sprawling sports complex.
But after a five-month investigation, the Marines charged him with taking an unauthorized leave from the unit, where he worked as an Arabic interpreter.
Their conclusions follow a five-month investigation of reports that copies of the examinations were being sold in several testing areas.