In 1689, the famous haiku poet, Matsuo Bashō visited Yamagata during his five-month trip to the northern regions of Japan.
Not long after he completed his Bachelor of Arts, Dewar embarked on a five-month trip to Nicaragua, where he volunteered as an aid worker.
My husband and I returned last April from our own five-month trip around the world, spending $20,000 total for the two of us.
This altogether ensured that Gurhan's five-month trip would not have undermined her initial 1989 claim of refugee status.
In June 1896 Reitz travelled to Europe once more on a five-month trip to recover from his debilitating illness.
Mr. Halligan says he learned the craft on a five-month trip to Japan, and he turns out a mean tuna roll, with just the right balance of rice, seaweed and first-rate fish.
After his first voyage, a five-month trip that took him from New York to San Francisco, Hobart spent his wages on candy.
From 1954 through 1956, Clarence was traveling constantly, visiting and revisiting over a dozen countries on each four- or five-month trip, laying the groundwork for the availability of birth control throughout Asia.
He made a five-month trip after he graduated from Columbia Law School and passed the bar exam, hitchhiking with his Argentine girlfriend.
During the five-month trip, the Allen party mapped the courses of the Copper, Tanana, and Koyukuk rivers.