So the Senator's campaign released a five-page letter in which he apologized for his behavior and admitted activity "not appropriate for a married man."
He was trying to buttonhole the new governor to see if she got his five-page letter about restoring the public trust.
His five-page handwritten letter makes sad, and damning, reading.
The five-page letter concluded with a call for Marrazzo to resign.
But Vincent responded with a five-page letter to all of the owners last Thursday saying he never would resign.
In a five-page letter to the owners two weeks ago, the commissioner said, "I will not resign - ever."
Emerson responded positively, sending a flattering five-page letter as a response.
He said that the chancellor stood by the reasons in a five-page letter sent to the choir's board of directors late last month.
The suitcase also held a five-page letter in Arabic offering final instructions to the hijackers.
More specifically, this was a five-page letter to him, from me, with his Post-it self-stick memo stuck to page 1.