SBC increased its number of phone lines in the five-state region by 243,000 in the first quarter, a record.
The Rich-Tone Chorus is the first in its five-state region to earn the world's championship titles and will return to International Competition again in the future.
The school currently has 18 sites for clinical rotations over the five-state region of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington.
The school maintains a network of teaching facilities in more than 100 towns and cities across the five-state region.
He became Midwest regional director for the Federal Office of Emergency Planning, supervising a five-state region.
Ultimately, she became the first Chief of the Organized Drug Enforcement Task Force, responsible for organizing federal investigation and prosecution activities for a five-state region.
Toll calls represent a $1.4 billion business for the company in its five-state region.
He was soon promoted to general counsel for the bank and traveled a five-state region giving speeches.
The bank governs 470 thrift units in a five-state region, including Texas.
It serves 2,000 customers in a five-state region around Washington.