He also published several books, including a work on 'social economy' (1883), a five-volume history of socialism and a work outlining his theory of 'integral socialism' (1891).
Fredrik Ström wrote a five-volume history of the Russian Revolution, published in 1924, but it was soon condemned by the new Stalinist leadership in Russia.
A five-volume history of the collection and its dispersal, Phillipps Studies, by A. N. L. Munby was published between 1951 and 1960.
The book joins "New York 1900" and "New York 1930" in a projected five-volume history of the city's architecture and urban design.
HE was a co-author of a five-volume history of Staten Island, but he was no ivory-tower academic.
Late in life he embarked upon an extensive five-volume history of Monongalia County, West Virginia (1974-84), completing the last volume shortly before his death.
He edited a five-volume history of Massachusetts in 1927-1930 and worked as the official historian of the George Washington bicentennial commission from 1926 to 1932.
- The BBC - the First Fifty Years - Condensed version of the five-volume history by the same author.
Mr. Pearson wrote about the mission in a five-volume history of World War II, "En Route to the Redoubt."
Meanwhile, he is finishing up "New York 1880," the fourth in a five-volume architectural history of New York City.