There, in the early fall of 1985, nine Indians 14 to 25 years old killed themselves over a five-week period.
This is usually a four or five-week period ending on the last Saturday of a calendar month.
This isn't something he accumulated over years, but bought in a four- or five-week period.
Over a five-week period beginning on June 18, half a million people are expected to see the games.
The film was shot in early 1976 over a five-week period near Melbourne.
I hope they don't base their decision on what happened to me in a three-, four- or five-week period.
In a five-week period, more than 5,000 applicants turned out at the hiring office.
Federal workers can reassess their needs and choose different plans in a five-week period each fall.
Each program was a five-week period that took place over the summer.
The next day I went to the clinic to begin the series of shots spanning a five-week period.