In 2000, the fund's companies sold for 1.7 times book value, compared with their five-year average of 2.8.
The five-year average from 1990 through 1994 was 1,250 units a year.
The percentage actually increased by 6% over the five-year average.
This was a 51% increase on the previous five-year average.
Even so, prices of natural gas have also exceeded their five-year average.
Taking the five-year average the town is appropriating $3.5 million.
The five-year average from 1999 to 2003 roughly parallels those numbers.
It is also much less than the five-year average of 24.9 million bushels.
Its five-year average of 188.2 million gallons a day, through 2000, is just below the state limit.
That agreement also would have imposed a 20 cut in fishing time, but based on last year's days at sea, not the five-year average.