Coaches and league officials say it capped a five-year campaign to make their team a national contender.
The bloodiest operation was launched on 10 December 1970, a five-year long campaign that claimed over 1,000 lives, many from landmines.
Officials at the association say their Web site is part of a five-year campaign, begun in April, that is likely to include public service advertisements.
Mr. Sawhill said $428 million had already been raised from private sources for the five-year campaign, which has three more years to run.
A five-year campaign raised private funds to pay for the renovation, he said.
The commission's report is to be followed by a five-year campaign to fulfill its recommendations.
Mr. Robison also presided over a five-year, capital campaign, which had an original goal of $60 million.
The resulting five-year campaign crippled the whole British Army through disease, especially yellow fever.
These efforts are paying off; in the first 18 months, $11.1 million of a $28.8 million five-year campaign has been raised, he said.
Yale University today announced a five-year campaign to raise $1.5 billion, the largest fund drive in the history of American higher education.