Clinique is giving a five-year grant to the medical school that covers research and the construction of the dermatology clinic.
The program will serve about a thousand children each year, through our five-year grant.
Why not make available, on a competitive basis related to professional promise or performance, five-year grants for domestic child-care support?
The program rewards creative people with unrestricted five-year grants of $30,000 to $75,000 a year.
The money, in five-year grants, will allow schools to expose more students to opera, drama and fine arts.
He endorsed a proposal to create co-operative housing for low-income families in the city, and later supported a five-year grant to a paper recycling firm.
A five-year grant has helped start a Mother-Child program, in which home visitors teach parents to stimulate their preschool children.
The lab has received a $2.4 million, five-year grant from the National Science Foundation to continue the study.
Agency officials are negotiating with the Common Market for a five-year, $25 million grant that would update transmission equipment.
Their five-year grant was awarded in 1990.