A Korean bank, for example, may have made a five-year, $100 million loan to an auto company, which has defaulted.
The school also made a five-year, $75,000 loan of working capital, at 10 percent interest.
But the industry had generally stepped back from five-year loans.
As an example, he cited cars, which typically carry five-year loans.
Chrysler charges a 10.9 percent annual rate for five-year loans, a percentage point more than its rivals.
You took out a five-year loan on 1 January 2008 with interest payable over the five years.
Following is an example of costs on a $10,000, five-year loan.
Its five-year loan is available at an interest rate of 8.25 percent with no points.
But buyers can get rates as low as 3.9 percent for five-year loans on many 2005 models.
He added that the Government would pay for the program by taking out a five-year loan from Mexican banks at market rates.