Workmen raced to fix roads ahead of the flood of cars.
For example, they will need to fix and replace buildings and roads as they continue to become old, unsafe, and worn out.
Mr. Gulotta has also put $100 million in work projects on hold, from fixing roads to improving ice rinks.
Since 1974, the county has received more than $70 million from the urban-assistance program, under which municipalities apply to the county for money to fix local roads.
Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation is working hard to fix roads across the province to improve driver safety.
This includes 158 workers who were killed in landslides as they tried to fix roads.
Every local government in Connecticut gets some money from the state to fix roads, build schools or support civic projects.
To have no money for police, for fixing roads, education and research?
This company does "horizontal" construction missions which in military parlance means it is tasked with building and/ or fixing roads.
We can't ignore the need to fix roads, give drivers more useful and timely information, and take all the other steps outlined in the article.