Sam was all right, but Sam hardly ever talked, except he knew about platytheres and fixing trucks.
"I've got guys that fix trucks in south Brooklyn that make $25, $26 an hour - a good wage," he said.
By then, a Masai named Samson ole Sisina was fixing trucks for Kenya's tourism board, hoping to become a wildlife ranger.
Automotive service technicians and mechanics fix cars or light trucks that have broken down.
The soldier, who had taught the youngster how to fix cars and trucks, was Bill's father, William Blythe.
When his diabetes raged out of control, it had been all right to fix trucks.
Hamdan, she told me, would return in the early evenings, often with clothes stained with grease from his work fixing the various cars and trucks used on the farm.
Car companies in trouble typically focus first on fixing what is closest to the consumer - their cars and trucks.
For Corporal Mateo, the Marine Corps was a way to learn more about fixing cars and trucks and earn money so he could go to college, his family said.
Her mom, the wife of an Indiana farmer, knew how to slaughter animals and fix trucks.