David M. Certner, the organization's director of federal affairs, said "privatization" had no fixed meaning or definition.
It has no fixed meaning but almost all meanings (see below) have some connection to prison.
Heavy industry does not have a single fixed meaning as compared to light industry.
The terms standard gauge, broad gauge and narrow gauge do not have any fixed meaning.
The title of "X" was chosen because it has no fixed meaning.
Public policy has no fixed meaning, because it represents the public opinion of a particular community at a particular time.
This name is used informally to refer to a common local species or all gulls in general, and has no fixed taxonomic meaning.
The term "squatter's rights" has no precise and fixed legal meaning.
For example, a concept such as "globalization" has no fixed meaning (it is a buzzword or fuzzy concept).
Letters in various fonts often have specific, fixed meanings in particular areas of mathematics.