Reserve-A-Ride will actually pick you up at your door, unlike conventional fixed-route services.
The table below lists the private contractors hired to provide fixed-route services.
The system consists of fixed-route service, paratransit, and vanpool.
Local Shuttles provide fixed-route service to select neighborhoods using cutaway buses.
The service operates on the same days and at the same times as fixed-route service.
SamTrans currently has a fleet of 296 buses of various sizes for its fixed-route service.
Service is available on the same days and at the same times that fixed-route services operate.
This type of service is a more efficient way to provide coverage in low-density areas compared to traditional fixed-route service.
It is currently unknown if the buses are going to be used on existing fixed-route service or be retired altogether.
Indian Trails offers charters, casino trips and regular fixed-route daily service.