Many fixtures use an inductive ballast similar to those used with fluorescent lamps.
These fixtures also use motors to enable physical movement of the light beam by either:
Some new fixtures use halogen bulbs.
Energy Star-labeled appliances, home electronics, heating and cooling equipment and light fixtures generally use less energy than other similar products.
To control these parameters more accurately, some fixtures use two channels for parameters that require greater accuracy.
Instant-start fixtures use a special ballast with a large transformer.
Remove the existing fixture then use a circuit tester to make sure the power is off.
They smell increasingly dank, possibly because of water spurting from holes where fixtures used to be.
Inside, many windows and light fixtures used color-tinted glass, and mosaic-tiled floors looked like oriental carpets.
State-of-the-art toilets use 1.6 gallons per flush, only a third of the 5 gallons that old-fashioned fixtures use.