He bore down, once strong and now flabby muscles quivering like jelly, lips peeling back from his gritted teeth, and the wheelchair slowly pivoted.
Abdominal wall surgery is voluntary surgery that improves the appearance of flabby, stretched-out abdominal muscles and skin.
Down over the stomach to the groin, then back to the chest, feeling for each rib under its layer of flabby muscle and fat.
The ragfish body is scaleless and limp, both because of the cartilaginous skeleton, as well as its flabby muscles.
Blood rushed through clogged arteries, organic detergents washing the dry, inelastic skin, the weak, flabby muscles, and the old, tired sinews.
He had flabby muscles.
THE bicycle once seemed the environmentalist's dream machine, a solution to air pollution, traffic jams and flabby muscles.
Waldo stayed with Grimes for days, gaining strength, gain-ing new reflex patterns, building up his flabby muscles.
Isn't the problem usually attributed to sedentary living, flabby muscles and excess weight?
She lifted a feeble arm, from which flabby muscles hung like an obscene pouch, and she pointed a crooked, bony, quavering forefinger straight in Blaine's direction.