Blood and other fluids began to cycle through the flaccid synthetic muscle.
Duncan had watched the five bodies brought into the Keep - flaccid muscles, arms dragging.
With flaccid muscles he pulled himself back to the upper balcony.
Ayla prodded deeply then, digging into the flaccid muscle, trying to locate the position of the bone.
He felt weak and shaky but resentment energized his flaccid muscles.
His flaccid muscles refused to obey his mind's command.
Jillian caught a momentary image of flaccid, heavy muscle, dripping water.
His energy sapped away, and the Doctor wondered if his flaccid muscles would ever contract again.
The flaccid muscles of his new face strained with the effort to rise and hurl the intruder from his room.
Susan tried it again, eliciting a reflex that was no more than a slight tightening of the flaccid muscle.