A second discharge followed the first, and three balls, by passing through it, made the napkin really a flag.
"A flag," one old woman observes, "makes a very poor breakfast."
Bearing flags I make bunting for a lot of my friends.
It is believed every flag made since 1922 used this flag as a model, and the mistake has been present for 89 years.
"The flags you make fly over an America that today is stronger and more prosperous than at any time in its proud history," he said.
The flag may have made the going rough, but it did call attention to the Berlin contingent.
Bodies straightened like the snap a flag makes when it finds the wind.
In his own words he climbed the building and replaced the flag "to make the Egyptians happy".
"Do not make thyself a flag upon this Earth."
The black flag soon made its way to America.