The flag mast is located in the second precinct, directly on the axis of the presiding deity.
A deepastambham and dwajasthambham (the lamp post and flag mast) are added in front of the balikkal mandapam.
The flag mast being brought down signifies the end of the festival and is performed before the start of the feast.
Unlike other temples, you will not find a flag mast in front of it.
However, there are temples that have a flag mast even without the temple tower.
The roots can easily reach the very foundation of this illustrious temple and its Dhwaja sthambhom (the flag mast) soon!
The stone slab describing the land gifted to the temple etc. is installed behind the flag mast.
"This is a great place for kids," Mrs. McKenna said as she chased her daughter around the flag mast.
It does not use dangerously overcrowded cars as flag masts or do motorcycle wheelies up Fifth Avenue.
A flag mast, two sets of davits, a crane and other items for seamanship training were provided and the property fenced in.