From a slender pole on the afterdeck whipped a blood-red flag.
From the maintruck the flag of England whipped red against the blue.
A flag whips in the wind, and the group sails on, a little Good Ship America of high-minded optimists.
Towers and turrets sprouted everywhere, flags flew from the staffs and whipped in the incessant wind.
At the top a flag whipped in the stiff breeze coming through the Golden Gate: centered in a field of black, a six-spoked golden wheel.
The flag with its thin black cross whipped in the little breeze that was blowing there.
On a short and slender staff the banner of the United Nations and the flag of the United States whipped to the top.
American flags whipped in the wind of the sunny day.
A flag whipped from the center peak of the tent.
With the wind nearly dead astern, the flag whipped forward over his head, and the sound of it flapping no doubt added the patent joy apparent on his face.