On 28 February 1976, Ford called Castro "an international outlaw" and the Cuban intervention a "flagrant act of aggression".
With a savvy for politics, charismatic bottom feeders like Billy Maidenshore often remained in power despite flagrant acts of betrayal.
Everyone else is engaged in acts of intimidation, flagrant or covert.
And there are several tracts of Lebanese territory under Israeli control in a flagrant act of encroachment.
Sports Illustrated wrote that McNeil "was so overcome with remorse" he "committed a flagrant act of compassion, all but taking himself out of a game."
In some of the 20 cases, prosecutors allege that flagrant acts led to death.
Any flagrant acts or remarks that deride, mock, bait or embarrass an opponent are considered taunting.
Young said the referee has the discretion to eject players for any flagrant acts of violence.
Another circumstance, my dear sir, which has occasioned much surprise, is the frequency with which the most flagrant acts of oppression are practiced by the overseers.
The league has previously suspended players for single games for flagrant acts.