As one of Marvel's flagship characters, Wolverine has seen many adaptations and re-imaginings.
He went on to contribute much significant work to Marvel, including co-creating Spider-Man, who would become the company's flagship character.
They spent two weeks in the Florida Keys developing Ash, their flagship character.
He quickly graduated on to the title's flagship character, Judge Dredd, taking over from original creator John Wagner for a period of several years.
Often considered to be Marvel's flagship character and company mascot, he has appeared in many forms of media such as animation and movies.
He is normally considered to Marvel Comic's flagship character.
Shikari Shambu, with his trademark hunter's hat pulled down over his eyes, is one of the flagship characters of Tinkle.
Their flagship character that time was Moochhwala ("the man with a mustache") by Ajit Ninan.
The sketch went on to be the among the flagship character of Tinkle.
Spider-Man has become Marvel's flagship character, and has often been used as the company mascot.