Mark Lee, the head of Gucci's flagship line disagreed, and asserted that sales were still surging ahead with new designs.
One reason for the change was that Chrysler had gained experience with unibody construction and was ready to apply it to the company's flagship line.
Read on to see what kind of boost the units give to Apple's flagship mobile line.
But even its flagship line faces questions about wavering quality in the wake of a report on vehicle dependability.
But most surprising was the sharp drop in the growth of Digital's flagship line of high-performance computers built around its Alpha microprocessor.
Vehicles in this category include some of the models from the flagship lines of luxury car brands.
Wilson Airways had been the de facto Kenyan flagship line.
Meisterstück (German for masterpiece) is the flagship line of pens from luxury brand Montblanc.
The Rectifier series is Mesa's flagship line.
The full-sized Ambassador was discontinued as AMC's flagship line after the 1974 model year.