Lafayette should be a flagship school, and it is not.
This campus-like project represented a $30 million final construction price and became the flagship school in the tri-state area.
It is also considered the flagship high school of Eastern Samar.
Thus, almost one in five freshmen at the university's flagship school is Asian, in a state where only about three of 100 residents are.
Despite political criticism, it became a flagship free school in 2011.
Both are visible flagship schools, in strong conferences, with ardent administration and alumni support.
The cover story says Crew is promoting higher standards citywide, rather than focusing on a few flagship schools.
It is the flagship school of the Polangui South District.
The importance of marriage is to be taught to every pupil at the Government's flagship free schools and academies.
In 2011, it was one of 24 schools that applied for and received government funding as a flagship free school.