The show produced two flagship series and three spin-off specials.
The flagship series, Masterworks, consists of classical music conducted primarily by the orchestra's music director, with occasional guest conductors.
He is also host of the company's flagship series, Bridge the Gap with Chris Bashinelli.
At its 1992 ratings peak, "Murphy Brown" was the network's flagship series, the talk of the nation and a flash point in the presidential campaign.
Combat Mission remains the flagship series of the line.
The flagship series debuted on public television in 2006, and once aired in almost 90% of the nation.
Its flagship series, Lonely Planet Six Degrees, screens in over 100 countries.
The series soon became one of Konami's flagship series.
Chrome S27 is currently the flagship series for Chrome S20.
The broadcast networks are keeping up with potentially strong episodes of their flagship series.