The flagship venue of the Southbank Centre, the collection of concrete buildings and walkways shoehorned between Hungerford and Waterloo Bridges, is the Royal Festival Hall.
There he got a job as show manager at the Battersea Jongleurs/Bar Risa club, the flagship venue of the famous stand up comedy club chain.
Essex has a thriving arts scene and many small galleries, particularly around the fishing town of Maldon, but until now it has lacked a flagship venue.
The theater with 3,664 seats, was located at the rear of the building and served as the company's flagship venue where its major films would be premiered.
This auditorium was a "flagship venue" for SIFF festivals and the site of most press screenings.
Their aim was to establish several alternative comedy clubs in London in addition to their flagship venue at The Elgin, Ladbroke Grove, from August 1979.
During the 1950s he trained as a Granada cinema manager in Kingston, moving to the group's flagship venue at Tooting to handle a 1953 Frank Sinatra concert.
As part of this spate of buying, in March 1972, GRA Property Trust acquired Wimbledon Stadium, its flagship venue today.
In 2011, the fourth-annual Rifflandia restructured its venues and the festival-going experience by including the Royal Athletic Park as the flagship venue, with eight additional evening venues.
The Tanghalang Pambansa is the flagship venue and principal offices of the Center.