For all their flamboyant appearance, they behaved like professionals, doing their work quickly, quietly and with no fuss whatever.
John obviously preferred a more flamboyant appearance than his brother-he was the second person Jeremy Redthorn had ever seen wearing earrings.
But Flo's level head and shrewd business sense more than made up for her flamboyant appearance.
Or maybe they were just cautious people by nature, despite their flamboyant appearance.
"Maybe it's true that artists adopt a flamboyant appearance," he once observed.
He was known for his flamboyant appearance and opinions.
"Maybe it's true that artists adopt a flamboyant appearance," he says, "but it's also true that people who look funny get stuck with the arts."
Louise Nevelson in life had both an unforgettably flamboyant appearance and a direct, laconic, waste-free way with words.
The large, bulky reptile had a flamboyant speaking style in keeping with his equally flamboyant appearance.
The other passenger had waved Margiu ahead, with a flamboyant gesture that matched his flamboyant appearance.