Sometimes a dance or play may start out very slowly, so the actors create very flamboyant costumes to keep the audience interested.
Nevertheless, she turned to the white man in the most flamboyant costume and started to speak.
Rose's formula was bright lights, glitter and flamboyant costumes.
Many earlier Chinese historical films showcase gorgeous scenes and flamboyant costumes, but what actually occurred in history thousands of years ago was not like this.
He was no longer dressed in the flamboyant costume that had long been his style.
This in turn has prompted participants to engage in more flamboyant costumes to gain media coverage.
And Moore even had the good sense to ridicule the Miracleman's flamboyant costume.
He stood up, opened his suitcase, and dressed in the flamboyant costume of a Caliph as the Muslim people expected to see him.
He was the wrong age, and looked the wrong kind of man, to be wearing the rather flamboyant costume he had on.
He wore flamboyant costumes and used dramatic special effects.