After failing to get into performing arts school, Justin attends a public high school where he is teased for his flamboyant fashion.
Since she took over, the store has started carrying flamboyant fashion, including Gaultier's underwear-inspired clothes, so it was fitting that she asked him to be her co-host.
Garzón has wielded the mighty powers of a Spanish investigating magistrate in flamboyant fashion.
Storaro is known for stylish, fastidious, and flamboyant personal fashion.
The Orchard bops around the globe in a less flamboyant fashion, but it, too, covers great distances.
The actors, led in flamboyant fashion by Richard Bauer as the Director, are startled by the invasion of the homeless family of characters.
He dresses in a flamboyant bohemian fashion, describing himself as looking like an "S&M Willy Wonka".
From art to food, from stunning and varied countryside to flamboyant fashion, Italy has it all.
Wagons were painted in flamboyant fashion, a match for merchants' clothing.