Though they hector her relentlessly, Manila's flamboyant politicians and newspaper columnists temper their derision with deference.
Described as a "flamboyant politician", his nickname was "King Ghaz".
A few hours later the flamboyant politician was shot to death in his storefront campaign headquarters across the street.
Plunkitt was without question one of the most flamboyant politicians of his day; he was also one of the richest.
No one will ever accuse this city's newly elected Mayor of being a flamboyant politician.
Ah Koy is a flamboyant politician known for his uninhibited expression of controversial views.
But not the resilient, flamboyant politician known to all Venezuelans as Cap.
A flamboyant politician, Webb was known as a strong civic booster and an effective salesman of Winnipeg on the international stage.
Born into the family that had once ruled Amethi, the New York Times described him in 1988 as a "wealthy, aristocratic and flamboyant politician".
Friends say Mr. Sawyer was misunderstood by many Chicago voters accustomed to more flamboyant politicians.