The sun was almost due south, a flaming yellow ball, its lower edge just above the horizon.
He moved his hands and a huge flaming ball roared toward Cailech's suspended body.
The hydrogen explosion was like a supernova, turning the sky above into a flaming ball.
Immediately, attached to wires, the flaming ball will fly toward the torch and ignite the gas.
And the once blue planet earth becomes a flaming red ball".
Rising up the sky, very slowly, was a great flaming ball.
With a snarl, he sent the flaming ball of fire straight at the Agent's head.
Chris at once began to follow, when a flaming ball landed at his feet, bounced, and rolled to a stop.
He is also pyrokinetic, as he can throw flaming balls of destructive energy.
Big red flaming ball goes up so far you can see the solid booster separation.