Out on the lawn, Vella stood wide-eyed and with the palms of her hands pressed to her flaming cheeks.
A reluctant nod and flaming cheeks was the reply.
I - ' She bent her head still further, so the dark curls swung down past her flaming cheeks.
The boy hurried away, rubbing his flaming cheek, as Gaveston sipped from the goblet.
"Please, Pol," he objected with flaming cheeks, "we're not alone, you know."
Lovely, the sight of his flaming cheeks, and the jerkin opening over the wrinkled shirt.
I put a hand against my flaming cheek, wondering how he knew it was me.
"Sweet Jesus," she muttered, fearing steam was now roiling from her flaming cheeks.
The bishop left without a further word, his anger proclaimed in his flaming cheeks and pursed little mouth.
William turned and looked at her flaming cheeks, raising a sleek black eyebrow questioningly.