Autumn has the benefit of flaming natural colours, but an outing on a sharp winter's day, with perhaps a smattering of snow is perfect.
Although the flaming colors of rhododendron and azaleas will light up hillsides everywhere by mid-May, in March they are only beginning to glow.
She sank down on the bed, hot from the exercise, and watched the last of the flaming color fade from the sky.
The light streamed through it, the flaming colors, the lightning glare, the drifting shadows were all beyond it.
The field of drift swept off to the north, sparkling under its flaming colors in a million reflected glories.
The turf rolled away from him on every hand in broad scrolls and carpetries of flaming color.
It was a strangely wooded land dressed in flaming color that shone like glowing fires in the sun of afternoon.
He was wearing a kimono composed of the flaming colors of autumn.
Only the three splotches of flaming color gave the scene brightness and life.
No flaming colors of breathtaking beauty.