Later, The Shadow himself, saw Mocquino fall into the flaming ruins of a huge mansion.
His head snapped up in time to see the flaming ruins of the boathouse shower across the yard in front of him.
It was inevitable, for the line could not retreat in an orderly fashion, not through the flaming ruins of the three cottages.
Without even thinking he began running toward the black and flaming ruins of the villa.
Neither of them can remember exactly how they encountered each other, working in the flaming ruins of the World Trade Center.
She had no idea if every-thing had burned or not; she'd been unconscious when they'd flown her away from the flaming ruins.
But he counted five shadows, all of them running hard past the flaming ruins of the convoy to escape the hellzone.
They came out finally and saw the flaming ruins of the Brandenburg tumbling into the sea below.
From their vantage, they watched park fire trucks spraying water on the flaming ruins.
The wind by the mountains, or-" Elgan stopped as the flaming ruins around them snapped into perspective.