"Right, arsonist sets warehouse full of flammable chemicals on fire with the family trapped inside."
It was also confirmed that the aircraft was carrying flammable chemicals, which were loaded in the area where the fire started.
He hadn't stored a vehicle filled with a flammable chemical in his basement.
They were also slowed due to defensive trenches around the city that had been filled with flammable chemicals by retreating loyalist troops.
Yards away from the spreading fire was an area of the plant where flammable chemicals were stored in mass quantities.
The memorandum said that the barrels holding plutonium wastes also contained solvents and other flammable chemicals.
In an instant the flammable chemicals stored there were burning fiercely.
Matches work by combining flammable chemicals with heat from friction.
Store flammable chemicals in a fire-proof steel cabinet or chemical storage cupboard.
To prevent accidents, you should store flammable chemicals in a fire-proof steel cabinet or drum store.