They had been met earlier in Lexington by a brigade led by Lord Percy that brought up the rear and provided strong flanking parties.
To either side of the boy, members of the flanking parties charged into the maze in support of the Druid, swords drawn, shouting out their battle cries.
The topography at Meriam's Corner forced the British flanking parties back to the road, and thus proved to be a perfect ambush point for Trull and the other colonists.
In full daylight, Saeki's men were able to send a flanking party around the Punjabs position forcing them to withdraw before they were cut off.
However, Stark had decided to capitalize on weaknesses in the German's widely distributed position, and had sent sizable flanking parties to either side of his lines.
The flanking party consisted of Knowlton's Rangers, which had been reinforced by three companies of riflemen, in total about 200 men.
In fact, no one continued up the road until the flanking parties arrived.
The British line was held by a sharp fire in front, while strong flanking parties galloped round each of the wings.
The Ku-Mor-Mai had thought to lead the flanking party himself, but Hightower had gruffly pre-empted him.
A Regulator taken by the flanking parties laying in ambush with his Gun.