J started to flare angrily, then realized that Leighton hadn't meant to insult him.
The rose-hued short sword at his hip flared angrily.
The earl made no reply, but continued to hold one hand in the air while the nostrils of his hawkish nose flared angrily.
The wolf's yellow eyes flared angrily at Kahlan for a moment before they cooled.
She leaned close to her sister, her nostrils flaring angrily.
She started to flare angrily at this disrespect, then got a good look at what was coming out of the sea and fell silent.
Mr. Gorbachev later flared angrily when asked about differences between the two countries.
She surprised me by flaring angrily, "Our age!"
He looked back to the approaching assassin; Twinkle flared angrily.
His eyes flared angrily, and she realized she'd gone too far.