High-frequency signals winged upward, where they made contact with a navigation satellite, and information flashed downward.
The starting-flag flashed downward; and at its first sight, long before it struck the ground, both men moved.
A moment later the dagger flashed downward.
Then his sword flashed downward, opening a long gash in the hairy side.
Lights flashed downward, to show the huddled shape in black near the front edge of the pit.
Bertha flashed downward through shafts of light toward Gertrude.
A man's yell drowned out Bhaldavin's cry as a sword flashed downward.
The boy came up on me, knife flashing downward.
The knife blade was flashing downward now; two black hands came up to meet it.
High above the city a ship dropped, flashing downward, like a silver bullet.