Yeah, its name is two long yellow flashes followed by a quick blue dot.
Apparently she knew something of the working of a gun, for presently there was a flash and a report, quickly followed by another.
There had been lightning far in the distance, just the occasional flash followed by the low rumble of thunder.
There was a flash, followed by darkness, and he was suddenly sitting in front of the machine.
Suddenly, from the direction of the river came a white flash, followed by a terrific concussion.
There was a flash, followed by an explosive blast.
There was an orange flash, followed by the thunder of an explosion; he could see clearly that it came from the barracks.
The sky lit up with a flash followed by a roaring hiss.
Then came a vivid flash of lightning, followed by deafening thunder.
I think he's using some kind of blinding flash, followed by a drug, maybe chloroform.