There was a police car blocking the small road that led from the corner of the square, its lights flashing silently.
To the west, heat lightning flashed silently between clouds pushed high during the late afternoon.
Then he saw something glittering in front of him: his broken harp, lying on the grass, its strings flashing silently, played by the wind.
A small green light on the arm of Donatra's command chair began flashing silently.
The trees along Fifth Avenue were silently flashing by the limousine's windows.
They were a crazy, demented person's eyes silently flashing screams of pain.
The signal light beneath his desk was silently flashing.
Blue lights flashed silently around the physiological display.
But not the same one man, Kinsman flashed silently.
He turned to me, then, and looked past me, toward the distant mountains, where the retreating lightning flashed silently.