A flash of guilt stabbed at me.
From the rain-soaked sky a flash of lightning had stabbed with dazzling brilliance.
The brief flash of a blade, like distant lightning, stabbed the darkness below, a trick of starlight following its slashing course.
He tried to raise his left arm; a blinding flash stabbed his lungs and arched his spine.
The flash of wet shells and mica stabbed into his eyes.
A flash of flame stabbed out of the nose of the monster with the strange silver body.
The flash of metal stabbed his vision, as though the point of the pryblade had leapt the course of the Promenade.
Jan's blade shot past him narrowly, but a flash of pain stabbed across his right shoulder as he turned.
A pink flash stabbed my eyes.
Min's head jerked toward him, and a flash of guilt stabbed along the bond, but the expression on her face was purest indignation.