And with the flashy colors available in make-believe leather, we can deck our horses so they look like Christmas trees.
The cartoony packaging, originally designed by artist Bill Mayer, comes in flashy colors such as neon green and bright purple.
Some people may have worn these flashy colors in the daylight, but this makeup was made for slinking out at night.
It's flashy colors and the best of clothes.
Thin and barely five feet tall, she dressed in flashy colors, heavy jewelry and makeup.
It's not as if I'm wearing flashy colors.
She was dressed in flashy colors; laces, ribbons and feathers hung all around her as if she were a young chicken.
Other rhododendrons attract these creatures with their flashy colors.
Several companies are investing more energy into creating makeup that closely matches the wearer's skin tone than into developing flashy new colors.
October calls for flashy colors suitable for the provocative swaying and sighing in passionate autumn winds.