The store has started a Web site, but it is far from the flashy design of many retail pages ( or
The cars are decorated with flashy designs and special "rubber" wheels.
A new design, less flashy but equally tech-friendly, is to be introduced next year, and construction should begin in 2007.
Gone are the distractions of the flashy graphics-intensive design, which had made the site sluggish and had repeatedly crashed my computer.
The majority of the new restaurants, while sporting flashy designs, are essentially modest in size and moderately priced.
I don't know but I note that too much flashy design often does not make a good homepage.
Targeted at the consumer market as a "premium" Ultrabook, the Spectre is big on flashy design and entertainment features.
The post office, in fact, is sitting on a stock of three-quarters of a billion unsold cards, mostly those printed with flashy designs.
Mr. Paul was neither the first nor last to see the guitar as an opportunity for flashy design.
"Running off volunteer time, without fancy graphics or flashy designs, they have concentrated on delivering content," she said.