At a time when flashy technique often seduces with surface dazzle, the Lula Washington Dance Theater projects a remarkably vivid mix of purity and dynamism.
As a guitarist, Mr. Richards has always been known for raw passion more than flashy technique, and his singing, too, seems to a great extent instinctive.
He never had an incisive or flashy technique.
Competitions tend to reward performers with flashy techniques and crowd-pleasing styles.
It was a flashy, dramatic technique that seemed better suited to a scene from a kung-fu movie than actual combat.
No pianist before the public had a flashier technique.
Mr. Stern argues that such flashy techniques can be too much of a good thing.
However, I can tell you that I personally do not approve of these modern flashy techniques.
One of the most successful young string players around, this Siberian-born violinist plays with a big, flashy technique and plenty of emotional intensity.