By the 1930s the felt was made very stiff with a permanently flat brim.
They are sold with a tall, rounded crown and a wide flat brim.
These flat brims curled at the edge came in then.
Commonly it has a soft round crown and a stiff flat brim.
Gammer Beavis's hat, for example, had a very flat brim and a point you could clean your ear with.
Its hat-a Smokey-style with a flat brim- was slowly rising again as the thing's hair pushed it up.
Willis made it to the majors in 2003, with the flat brim of his Marlins cap askew.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw her turn to stare up at me from under the flat brim of the hat.
He got down a new uniform hat, a western straw with a brown leather band and a wide flat brim.
He was wearing a high, pointed hat like a steeple, with an enormously wide flat brim.