He had strongly marked features with a wide-lipped mouth and flat cheekbones, his large dark eyes set far apart.
In the red glow of the rear car lights his face was all flat, high cheekbones with narrow, almost slanted eyes and long, straight hair.
She had high cheekbones, very long almond-shaped eyes and a nose less flat than one might normally expect.
He was skinny, but had a round face with broad, flat cheekbones and slightly tilted eyes in translucent skin.
His eyes were dark, his features Slavic, wide, flat cheekbones.
His high, flat cheekbones and chiseled chin were very male.
His handsome face with the high, flat cheekbones.
At times his finger would trace the harelip, then move over the flat cheekbones to the domed head.
Tuek had wide-set gray eyes, flat cheekbones, and almost no chin, making his face a perfect square.
This results in shallow eye sockets and flat cheekbones.