But there should be a flat prohibition on the recruitment of criminals and thugs except in cases vital to American national security.
There wasn't a flat prohibition on his using the pubnet, but it wasn't something he should drag out, either.
The limitation began in the House as a flat prohibition on publications by the Library of Congress using funds appropriated to the Legislative Reference Service (now CRS).
"Reasonable limitations make sense, but a flat prohibition places an unfair financial burden on judges," he said.
The old subchapter was a flat prohibition on the use of office space or time for "pool" activities of any kind, whether permanent (e.g., coffee pool) or one-time (e.g., birthday parties).
If a town had a flat prohibition, affected landowners could go to the state statute, which takes precedence.
The first time I spoke with her, by phone, she told me she has never called for flat prohibitions.
Critics of the induce bill say that it amounts to just such a "flat prohibition" and that technological innovation will be stifled.
But as they removed flat prohibitions on some immigrants, the negotiators added a new clause, giving the Secretary of State the power to bar the entry of others with unpopular political bents.
"To keep organized crime from penetrating into the union, a flat prohibition against associating with those people is important," Mr. Stier said.